Railway Recruitment Uttar Pradesh 2900 रेलवे भर्ती फॉर्म

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  • Salary: 34,670 - 79,690
  • Employment Info
    Railway Recruitment Uttar Pradesh
    Railway Jobs 2022 Railway Recruitment Board has invited Railway Sarkari Naukri notification for appointment to various posts for talented candidates from all over India who are looking for Railway Government Jobs. Eligible candidates for Railway Recruitment 2022 can get Latest Indian Railway Job Notification updates first through Indian Railway Jobs 2022 page. Indian Railway Government Jobs 2022 Notification issued by Railway Recruitment Control Board can be found below.
    Railway Recruitment 2022: Railway had sought applications for recruitment to thousands of posts for 10th pass, whose last date is near. Applications for Apprentice Recruitment 2022 in Central Railway were started by Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC) from 17 January. If you have not applied yet, you can apply online by visiting the Central Railway website rojgarhunt.com as soon as possible.
    Railway (All Region)
    Railway Recruiting: The Southern Railway’s Railway Recruitment Cell is looking for applicants for apprentice positions in a variety of trades. Three hundred and fifty positions will be filled through this recruitment. The first group in this is for candidates who have passed the 10th grade. Candidates who have completed an ITI Diploma and passed the 12th standard fall into the second and third categories, respectively. The application process has started. to apply there Please inform me that this recruitment exam does not include an interview or exam. The marks obtained in the 10th and 12th grades will be used in the recruitment process. Candidates who are interested can apply online at rojgarhunt.com.

    Railway Recruitment 2023: योग्यता

    • इस भर्ती परीक्षा में अलग अलग पदों के लिए अलग अलग योग्यता मांगी गई हैं.
    • कुछ पदों के लिए कम से कम 50 फीसदी अंकों के साथ 10वीं की परीक्षा पास हो।
    • कुछ पदों पर आवेदन के लिए कम से कम 50 फीसदी अंक 12वीं पास की योग्यता तय की गई है.
    • वहीं कुछ अन्य पदों के लिए संबंधित ट्रेड में ITI सर्टिफिकेट मांगा गया है.

    Railway Recruitment 2022: आयु सीमाआवेदन करने वाले उम्मीदवारों की आयुसीमा 15 वर्ष से 24 वर्ष के बीच होनी चाहिए. वहीं आरक्षित वर्ग के लोगों को आयुसीमा में छूट दी जाएगी.

    रेलवे ऑनलाइन फॉर्म  कैसे आवेदन करें

    किसी भी कैंडिडेट को रेलवे में फॉर्म आवेदन करना चाहते है तो निचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें और फॉर्म फुल एंड फील करे और सबमिट करें, उसके बाद फीस पय करना जरुरी है. जो के फीस लिखा हुआ है उसको पे करना होता पे करने के बाद आपको सारी जानकरी जो अपने ईमेल उसे किया है सारी इनफार्मेशन ईमेल ईद पर दिया जायेगा तुरंत

    how to apply railway online form
    If any candidate wants to apply the form in railway, then click on the link given below and fill and fill the form and submit it, after that it is necessary to pay the fees. The fee which is written has to be paid, after paying you will get all the information which you have emailed to him, all the information will be given on e-mail immediately. Apply to Click Here

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