Zombie viruses may start new disease outbreak after 48,500 year

Zombie Viruses may start new disease outbreak after 48,500 year

48,500-year-old Zombie viruses may ‘start new disease outbreak’: What we know

Due to the melting of frozen ice brought on by global warming, the threat’s immediacy has increased with rising temperatures. Arctic zombie viruses in Siberia could spark terrifying new pandemic, scientists warn

Scientists have issued a warning on the potential emergence of “zombie viruses” from viruses hidden beneath the Arctic ice covers, which might lead to a catastrophic worldwide health disaster. As a result of melting frozen ice brought on by global warming, the threat has become more urgent, according to experts, after samples obtained from Siberian permafrost last year were brought back to life by a scientist.

Zombie viruses may start new disease outbreak after 48,500 year
Zombie viruses may start new disease outbreak after 48,500 year

Scientist Jean-Michel Claverie of the University of Aix-Marseille told the Guardian that pandemic dangers are now being analyzed with an emphasis on illnesses that might start in the south and move north. On the other hand, I think it’s a mistake that not much has been made of an epidemic that may start in the far north and go south. There are viruses out there that may infect people and cause a fresh wave of sickness.”

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“The viruses we isolated did not pose a threat to humans; they could only infect amoebae.” That does not preclude the possibility that other viruses, which are presently frozen in the permafrost, may cause diseases in people. For example, we have found genetic remnants of well-known human infections like herpesviruses and poxviruses,” Claverie stated. “The threat stems from another effect of global warming: the melting of Arctic sea ice.” This is permitting Siberian industrial expansion, more shipping, and increased traffic. In order to harvest ores and oil, massive mining operations are planned that will drill large holes into the deep permafrost. Massive numbers of germs that still survive there will be released by such procedures. The viruses will be inhaled by miners when they enter.  The consequences may be disastrous.”

In support of this claim, scientist Marion Koopmans of the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam stated, “I think there is a real risk that there might be one capable of triggering a disease outbreak, say of an ancient form of polio. We don’t know what viruses are lying out there in the permafrost.” We must prepare for the possibility that something similar may occur.