Wikipedia kya kaam karta hai Aur kaise karta hai

Wikipedia kya kaam karta hai kaise karta hai, विकिपीडिया क्या है

Wikipedia kya kaam karta hai kaise karta hai, विकिपीडिया क्या है

Wikipedia is jointly written by contributors from all over the world; Anyone can edit it. This is a wiki which means that anyone can change any article at any time through the edit link. Edit link is present in all articles except a few protected pages

🆕This is an introduction for Wikipedia readers. To help Wikipedia, see guides and short guides. For other works, see here.

Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia edited by contributors from around the world. It is a multilingual, web-based open content encyclopedia project. The word Wikipedia is made up of two words – Wiki and Encyclopedia. Wikipedia is jointly written by contributors from all over the world; Anyone can edit it. India News

This is a wiki which means that anyone can change any article at any time through the edit link.

Wikipedia kya kaam karta hai kaise karta hai -Rojgar Hunt

The edit link is present in all articles except a few protected pages. Visitors do not need any special qualifications to contribute, as their primary role is to write articles that build on existing knowledge. This means that people of all ages and cultural and social backgrounds can write Wikipedia articles. Anyone is welcome to add information, appropriate level of information, cross-references, or citations, as long as it is within Wikipedia’s editing policies. Incorrect or conflicting information will be removed,

This project was started on January 15, 2001 in English and in July 2003 in Hindi.

Currently work is going on on 1,61,157 articles in Hindi Wikipedia. Work is being done on more than 5 lakh articles including other languages. Because Wikipedia is an ongoing program to which basically anyone can contribute, it differs from paper encyclopedias in important ways. Specifically, older articles are more comprehensive and balanced, while newer articles relatively more often contain inaccurate information. Members need to be familiar with it to find valid information and to avoid misinformation that has recently been added (for more information see: Researching Wikipedia) However, Wikipedia is constantly updated within seconds, minutes and hours. As opposed to a paper encyclopedia that takes months or years,

All information presented on this website is available under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 and GNU Free Document License (GFDL). Images and other media are mainly under these licenses, but some images are also copyrighted and are used under fair use.Creators’ contributions remain their property, while the copyleft license ensures that the content is always freely distributed and reproducible.

✅For more information see Copyright and Terms of Use?

Note: Wikipedia contains content that some users may find offensive/disgusting, vulgar/indecent, or profane. See content disclaimer for more information.

✅History of Wikipedia

Wikipedia was founded as a branch of Nupedia, a free encyclopedia project that is now abandoned. Nupedia used an extensive peer review system and required high-quality contributors, but articles could be written very slowly. In 2000, Nupedia founder Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, his appointee to work on the project, discussed completing Nupedia with a more comprehensive project. A wiki could allow the public to contribute, and Nupedia’s first wiki went online on January 10, 2001.

Nupedia’s editors and reviewers strongly opposed combining Nupedia with a website in wiki format, so the new project was named “Wikipedia”, and launched on its own domain,, on January 15, 2001. With the formation of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, this domain changed to the current The word wiki became a newly known word in March 2007.

✅Trademarks and Copyright

Wikipedia is a registered trademark of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, which has created a series of open content projects. You are welcome to edit articles on all these projects without compressing them.

All articles, most images, and other article content in Wikipedia are licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). All contributions remain the property of the contributors, while the GFDL ensures that the content can be freely distributed. ((See Wikipedia copyright and content disclaimer for more information!

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